# null
Source: https://docs.verdn.com/api-reference/authentication
Verdn uses API keys to authenticate requests. All requests without a valid key will be rejected by the API.
You can create and manage these API keys in the Verdn dashboard. In order to authenticate a request to the Verdn API, pass your key as an [HTTP `Authorization` request header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization) prefixed with the `Bearer` keyword.
## Key Modes
When creating an API key, you are given the option to create a **test** key or a **live** key. Testing keys start with `verdn_sk_test` while production keys start with `verdn_sk_live`. You can use any API endpoint with either your test or your live key.
All API JSON response bodies contain an `isLive` property which indicates the live status (i.e., testing or production) of that request.
## Key Levels
There are also two levels of API keys: **unit-level** keys and **team-level** keys.
* A **unit-level** key performs a request authenticated as that unit itself. These keys can be created and managed via the unit's settings dashboard.
* A **team-level** key performs a request on behalf of a unit. These keys can be created and managed via the team's settings dashboard. Moreover, team-level requests require an additional `X-Verdn-Unit-Id` header for unit authentication. This unit ID can be found within that unit's settings dashboard.
# Create Pledge Transaction
Source: https://docs.verdn.com/api-reference/endpoint/create-pledge-transaction
POST /v2/pledge-transaction
Create a new pledge transaction with multiple pledges
## Overview
Creates a new pledge transaction containing one or more pledges. Each pledge represents an impact commitment tied to a specific offering.
## Examples
```typescript Minimal Request
const response = await fetch('https://api.verdn.com/v2/pledge-transaction', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer verdn_sk_test_...',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
reference: "order_123",
recipient: {
email: "customer@example.com",
pledges: [{
impact: {
offeringId: "off_123",
amount: 100,
```json Minimal Response
"charge": {
"amount": "25.00",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"paidAt": null
"createdAt": "2024-01-25T12:00:00Z",
"id": "ptran_01JH67QPC8R56E4DP7K4PB3MRD",
"isLive": false,
"notifications": [],
"pledges": [
"detail": {
"description": null,
"externalId": null,
"externalUrl": null,
"image": null,
"name": null,
"nounPlural": null,
"nounSingular": null
"id": "p_01JH67QPDG65G48KN5WE2J71Y4",
"impact": {
"amount": 100,
"offeringId": "off_123"
"recipient": {
"email": "customer@example.com",
"firstName": null,
"name": null
"reference": "order_123",
"timelineUrl": "https://verdn.com/my/t/abc123xyz789?edit_key=edit_k3y_456",
"trigger": {
"date": null,
"externalUrl": null,
"phrase": null
```typescript Comprehensive Request
const response = await fetch('https://api.verdn.com/v2/pledge-transaction', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer verdn_sk_test_...',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
reference: "order_123",
recipient: {
email: "customer@example.com",
name: "John Doe",
firstName: "John"
trigger: {
phrase: "Purchase completed",
date: "2024-01-25T12:00:00Z",
externalUrl: "https://example.com/order/123"
pledges: [{
impact: {
offeringId: "off_123",
amount: 100
detail: {
name: "Custom Tree Planting",
description: "Plant trees in Africa",
image: "https://example.com/tree.jpg",
externalUrl: "https://example.com/impact/123",
externalId: "CUST_123"
notifications: ["Email", "Klaviyo"]
```json Comprehensive Response
"charge": {
"amount": "25.00",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"paidAt": null
"createdAt": "2024-01-25T12:00:00Z",
"id": "ptran_01JH67N6WT90W8EW7GF9QN2Y57",
"isLive": false,
"notifications": [
"status": "Pending",
"type": "Email"
"status": "Pending",
"type": "Klaviyo"
"pledges": [
"detail": {
"description": "Plant trees in Africa",
"externalId": "CUST_123",
"externalUrl": "https://example.com/impact/123",
"image": "https://example.com/tree.jpg",
"name": "Custom Tree Planting",
"nounPlural": null,
"nounSingular": null
"id": "p_01JH67N6Y8Z56NZK3HC3AATPJF",
"impact": {
"amount": 100,
"offeringId": "off_123"
"recipient": {
"email": "customer@example.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstName": "John"
"reference": "order_123",
"timelineUrl": "https://verdn.com/my/t/abc123xyz789?edit_key=edit_k3y_456",
"trigger": {
"date": "2024-01-25T12:00:00Z",
"externalUrl": "https://example.com/order/123",
"phrase": "Purchase completed"
## API Reference
# Get Pledge Transaction by ID
Source: https://docs.verdn.com/api-reference/endpoint/get-pledge-transaction-by-id
GET /v2/pledge-transaction/{id}
Get an existing pledge transaction by its ID
## Overview
Gets an existing pledge transaction by its ID. A single pledge transaction may contain one or more pledges. Each pledge represents an impact commitment tied to a specific offering.
## Examples
```typescript Comprehensive Request
const response = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer verdn_sk_test_...',
```json Comprehensive Response
"createdAt": "2024-01-25T12:00:00Z",
"reference": "order_123",
"isLive": false,
"charge": {
"amount": "25.00",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"paidAt": null
"trigger": {
"date": null,
"externalUrl": null,
"phrase": null
"pledges": [
"id": "p_00000000000000000000000000",
"impact": {
"amount": 100,
"offeringId": "off_123"
"recipient": {
"email": "customer@example.com",
"firstName": null,
"name": null
"details": [
"description": null,
"externalId": null,
"externalUrl": null,
"image": null,
"name": null,
"nounPlural": null,
"nounSingular": null
## API Reference
# Introduction
Source: https://docs.verdn.com/api-reference/introduction
Welcome to the Verdn API Reference documentation
## Overview
The Verdn API is designed to be intuitive and developer-friendly while providing powerful functionality for building robust applications. This documentation covers:
* Complete API endpoints
* Request/response formats
* Authentication methods
* Available parameters
* Example usage
## API Conventions
Our API follows RESTful principles and uses:
* JSON for request and response payloads
* Standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
* Bearer token authentication
* Consistent error handling
Navigate through the sidebar to explore specific API endpoints and features.
# Introduction
Source: https://docs.verdn.com/introduction
Welcome to the Verdn documentation
Please note that this documentation is a work in progress and may be subject to change. If you have any questions about setting up your account, please contact your Verdn account manager.
The Verdn API lets you attach impact pledges, such as tree planting or ocean-bound plastic cleanup, to pretty much any transaction you like. We're designing the Verdn API to be as flexible and expressive as possible to support a wide number of use cases.
Currently, the Verdn API supports the following endpoints:
* [Create Pledge Transaction](/api-reference/endpoint/create-pledge-transaction)
* [Get Pledge Transaction by ID](/api-reference/endpoint/get-pledge-transaction-by-id)